The Delightful Disasters of Barushka and Aegon

Aegon and Barushka's Market Escapade

The Process

In this video I further developed my workflow of using a custom GPT to create coherent scenes with consistent characters from a single prompt.

I created a story illustrator GPT specifically for the "Aegon" and "Barushka" characters. I provided detailed instructions and a large knowledge base of character sheets which I created with the "Consistent Character" GPT.

Working with two main characters is definitely more complicated than working with one. For the most part my GPT did really well but from time to time it would lose the character of Aegon, particularly after many generations.

I also ran into a weird and awkward issue where, after providing me with several perfectly decent scenes involving sausages, Open AI suddenly decided that this prompt went against their content policy!  It refused to provide me with the last image I needed no matter how much I begged and cajoled!  I had to add the sausages in Canva. The result was less than ideal but you have to do what you have to do!

I am definitely finding that I am getting better results with a custom GPT trained on 2-3 unique characters and a well defined art style, as opposed to a generalized model. It has really speeded up my workflow and given me so many more options for creativity and story telling. I am really pleased to have found this approach.

The Story

Aegon and Barushka are my gorgeous Saluki and Borzoi dogs. I lave dogs in general, sighthounds in particular and Salukis and Borzoi most of all!

Aegon and Barushka are young, energetic, healthy and playful dogs who represent their breeds extremely well.  Aegon is so athletic that I suspect he may be part dog, part cat, part bird and part super hero!  He goes sailing over the highest of walls with no apparent effort so needs to be very securely fenced in!  He is a delight to have around the home. A quiet, regal gentleman and oh so elegant and striking.  We love him very much!

Barushka is just as magnificent. A giant breed with the classic Borzoi nose (the longest of any breed).  Her long legs enable her to steal food from the highest shelf and has worked out how to open the fridge with her nose. She then proceeds to distribute the contents among our canine kids, like naughty teenagers having a wild party with the adults are away! The mess that results is a sight to behold but she's so incredibly pretty that she is always instantly forgiven!

I could totally imagine the two of them embarking on an escapade not unlike the one depicted in this video, given half a chance!

More related to this story

I have Aegon and Barushka themed merchandise available on my RedBubble Store.  As an obsessed Saluki and Borzoi parent I have struggled to find merchandise that appropriately captures the magnificence of these rare breeds. So I am working on creating my own.  I intend to develop this collection extensively over time. The designs are primarily for my own enjoyment but I also hope they will have a broad appeal to other Saluki and Borzoi enthusiasts. And of course I hope more people will fall in love with these amazing dogs as a result of the Aegon and Barushka stories.

If you have any requests for additional images or products related to Aegon and Barushka or a pet of your own, feel free to contact me.

Coming soon: Coloring books, Illustrated books Ebooks and Audio Books. I have a Saluki coloring book with educational content in production at the moment. It will be aimed at children aged 8-12 but I confess I would secretly enjoy it even as an adult! I will post an update here as soon as it is available.